Idea Overview:
You should always read the book first before you watch the movie... but getting the public to do that is hard. What if there was a fabulous 30 second Hollywood style video encouraging - nay, urging you to read a certain book? There are a few that pop up occasionally, usually for a bestselling well known author or celebrity, and they are a great way of promoting books to those who don't read magazines, newspapers or have Twitter. I would like to hold an event in which schools from the local area would be invited to submit a video trailer for a book they have loved. The videos would be judged, and the winner would be announced at an event with the winning school receiving £100 worth of books for their school library. Hopefully, publishing houses would get involved and maybe provide sets of books so that schools could have a book club to read, review and then record their videos. A school could enter as many times as they liked. The trailers would be shared on social media, and the whole event would create a buzz about reading and books. This could be tied in with an event such as World Book Day or Indie Bookshop Week and would definitely appeal to those more reluctant readers - middle grades and teens!

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  1. Simon Krystman - January 2, 2020 at 9:37 am

    Wouldn’t it be great if cinemas played the trailers before the movies start.