Idea Overview:
Do you want to enjoy travel and tourism and preserve the planet for future generations? Carbon Neutral Tourism is a series of events that aim to inspire the tourism industry to innovate sustainably and ethically. We want to support tourism destinations and organisations on their journey towards carbon neutrality, through discussion, debate, information and opportunity sharing and networking. A mix of round tables and presentations will showcase industry specialists. These events will present the opportunity to discuss how we can continue to develop tourism destinations and organisations while reducing our environmental impact.
Who might use it/where it might be used?:
Tourism destinations and organisations with a desire to develop towards carbon neutrality will be attending these series of events. Tourism boards, accommodation, transportation and attraction providers will gather to explore Carbon Neutral Tourism. To begin with, these events will be accessed virtually via Zoom.
The Market (B2B, B2C or Both):
Business to Business (B2B)
Sector the idea belongs to:
Why you think there is a demand for your idea?:
To globally tackle climate change the UK’s new emissions target aims to achieve net-zero status by 2050. Tourism is responsible for about 8% of the world's carbon emissions. The demand for events like Carbon Neutral Tourism is prominent in this space and time. It provides a community for both destinations and organisations to face issues head-on so we can sustain tourism and our environment for future generations.
Who would be the ideal customers?:
Tourism Boards, destination management companies, travel agencies, transportation services, accommodation services, hospitality venues, attractions.
What ideas do you have to reach these customers?:
Instagram / LinkedIn / Mailing list
How far have you developed this idea?:
I have spoken to some potential speakers and have started an Instagram page.
What – if any – feedback have you had for this idea so far?:
A couple of my university lectures and business mentors have given me feedback and they love the idea. They are very supportive and encouraging and can't wait to see it happen.
What supporting material – if any - would you like to add to your proposal?:
Business model canvas and business clarity canvas.

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5 comments to “Carbon Neutral Tourism”

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  1. Indiana Danahar - June 11, 2021 at 8:16 pm

    Hey hoping to have a cleaner future

  2. Jamie Foster - June 11, 2021 at 9:08 pm

    A positive conversation we all need to take seriously. Climate change effects life on earth and I think Carbon neutral tourism is a good place to trigger people’s interest and change previous patterns of there actions in life.

  3. Paula Owen - June 12, 2021 at 5:13 am

    This is so important for the future of our planet.A really positivebway forward!

  4. Simon Krystman - July 5, 2021 at 10:22 am

    Great idea 👍. . What help do you need?

  5. Jasvir Zonobi - February 1, 2022 at 8:46 pm

    really nice idea!