Idea Overview:
Paying extra off the mortgage by saving the tiny amounts squandered each day.
Who might use it/where it might be used?:
Using the principle of compound interest to encourage people to make tiny payments as additional sums against the balance of their mortgage.
Ideally taken up by a bank in partnership with a major retailer
The Market (B2B, B2C or Both):
Business to Consumers (B2C)
Sector the idea belongs to:
Professional services
Why you think there is a demand for your idea?:
The attached presentation shows how making tiny payments - and encouraging habits of choosing expenditure carefully and effectively recycling - can knock years off the average mortgage.
Who would be the ideal customers?:
Anyone with a mortgage who wants to be free of it earlier.
What ideas do you have to reach these customers?:
Partnership with a mortgage provider would allow this to be offered directly and at low or no cost
How far have you developed this idea?:
Offered to a couple of smaller banks who showed interest but didn't take it further.
What – if any – feedback have you had for this idea so far?:
See above
What supporting material – if any - would you like to add to your proposal?:
See presentation