Idea Overview:
Golding Theatricals is a new live entertainment producing entity that creates and presents original, family-friendly plays, muscials, and ballets.
Who might use it/where it might be used?:
Golding Theatrical performances will primarily be held in professional standard performing arts venues (or "presenting houses"), in major cities across the United States. Our target audience is "families" or adults ages 35-55 who have children.
The Market (B2B, B2C or Both):
Business to Consumers (B2C)
Sector the idea belongs to:
Media and entertainment
Is there a similar idea to be found?:
Yes, there are many "theatre companies" that operate in the United States. Most theatre companies are "housed" in one "home venue" in their respective cities. There are also other "producing entities." Other producing entities, like ours, produce their shows in a variety of different venues. Most established or well known theatre producing entities produce their shows on Broadway or off-Broadway in New York City. Some of those entities also send their shows on tour to perform in locations across the United States, after first having a run of the show on Broadway. We seek to produce our shows outside of New York City first, then possibly take some productions to Broadway. While we intend to hold performances in multiple locations, the long term goal is to also establish a physical "home venue," our privately operated dinner theatre.
Why you think there is a demand for your idea?:
In the current climate of the entertainment industry (both film/TV and live theatre) audiences want fresh, new content. People are tired of spin-offs, revivals, adaptations (especially film to stage adaptations), and the same shows they've seen over and over again. Golding Theatricals produces only new, original works. This means that when someone comes to one of our shows, they will be seeing a show not only have they never seen before, but no one has ever seen before. This makes our performances highly exclusive experiences, with the elements of specialness and surprise. It's the idea of "you heard it here first." Not only is our company the first to ever produce the show, but our audience will be the first people to ever see the show. If it becomes a trend that we produce our shows independently first and then they go to Broadway, a major exclusive selling point for our company would be "see it here first before it premieres on Broadway."
Who would be the ideal customers?:
Our target customers/audience is "families." Adults ages 35-55 who have children. Likely, with income levels above the national median income.
What ideas do you have to reach these customers?:
Social media will be our primary way of advertising and reaching customers. TV commercials will be used on a case-by-case basis. For example, we would want to advertise our Christmas show by running a commercial that plays on Thanksgiving Day on the local TV channels where people would be watching the Macy's parade. That same commercial can be shared on social media for a wider reach.
How far have you developed this idea?:
This is a brand new venture. My co-founder and I have wanted to create our own producing entity for about 10 years, and have discussed ideas over time, but the company is in the very early stages of development (right now just an idea, not yet operating).
What – if any – feedback have you had for this idea so far?:
So far, my co-founder and I have only shared our idea with our closest friends. Our friends (while possibly biased) seemed supportive and excited about the venture, and some even offered direct help.
What supporting material – if any - would you like to add to your proposal?:
I have no supporting material at this time, but and working on creating some that would be used to pitch to potential sponsors and venues in the future.

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