Idea Overview:
This submission envisages ‘a pilot’ in order to establish potential reader interest and engagement in what is effectively a competition to generate ideas for increasing reader engagement. This could assist the organisers in the promotion of their initiative. The pilot in question is especially suited to readers who have at least one or more untold stories. What reader has not made a personal investment in a storyline? Through online advertising and also involving literary publications, participants (aged sixteen plus) will be sought to comprise a Reader Group. This group will include new and established readers who will be drawn from across a range of literary genres. They will be tasked to “test” the pilot and give feedback, if any, to the organisers. The pilot is comprised of The End Game, a piece of writing either by an anonymised author of repute or a relative beginner. However, this idea turns on the principle that no ending or no conclusion to The End Game are provided by the organisers. The End Game effectively leaves the reader stranded. Some might say up in the air. The purpose of the competition is for readers to compete with one another to write their own ending (or endings) to The End Game. These are then submitted for scrutiny by the Reader Group the members of which will select a winning entry. The winning entrant should be encouraged to meet a potential mentor or writing partner to be identified by the competition organizers. All entrants should receive feedback in writing or in person, which must include some degree of positive reflection. Competitors may submit more than one entry and can form collaborations involving two or a maximum of three writers. Non de plumes are acceptable. However, entries should be made in the English language except for the use of quotations or in cases where a word or phrase in another language is crucial to the storyline or plot. The reason for this is to achieve as broad and as wide a reader engagement as possible. Storylines or plots are left unspecified by the competition organisers so as to encourage the reader to experience the writer’s creativity. ‘What happens next?’ is a reader’s and a writer’s pre-occupation. The End Game brings the two together to stimulate more public interest in reading.

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  1. Simon Krystman - January 2, 2020 at 9:07 am

    A competition like this would work very well for aspiring writers to showcase their talents.